Ensure Your Lawn or Garden Thrives
Camp Point Seed Co. of Camp Point, IL has been providing seeding services since 1888. Our professional team assists both farmers and gardeners with their seed problems. Owned and operated by Kent and Julie Flesner, our company is focused on providing excellent services to our customers.
Miscellaneous Garden Needs for a Healthy Lawn
- Garden chemicals
- Garden fertilizers
- Garden fungicides
- Animal repellents
- Garden bedding plants
- Mice baits
- Potting soil
- Plant starting supplies
Selecting Turfgrasses: Which One?
Selecting turfgrasses depends on the management of your lawn. Managing a lawn involves:- Mowing
- Fertilization
- Watering
- Control of diseases and insects
What Is Bluegrass?
- Fine textured, blue-green in color, medium to fine textured, spreads by rhizomes and tillers. This allows bluegrasses to recover from thinning or other problems
- With proper management, bluegrass will form a fine-textured, high-quality, long-lasting turf
- Bluegrass is winter hardy and is capable of withstanding temperature and moisture extremes
- During hot, dry periods, it tends to become dormant and lose color
- Mow to a height of 2 to 2.5 inches
- Thrives best with frequent watering and generous fertilizing, 1/2 to 1 pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per month of active growth, but it can cope with some deprivation
- Seeding
on bare ground
- use 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet, inter-seeding - use 1/2 the rate
- Germination is usually in 12 to 21 days
- Usage is on sunny to semi-shaded areas with medium fertile soil. Not recommended for low-maintenance areas
What Is Turf-Fescue?
- It's a coarse-textured bunchgrass that forms a coarse turf, able to grow in sun or shade; this species stays green all year in mild winter climates
- Deeper rooting plant
requires less water than the bluegrasses
- Mow 2 to 3 inches for home lawns
- Has moderate fertilizer needs, depending on the amount of wear the lawn receives, use 1/4 to 1/2 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per growing months
- Has a dense root system, penetrating as deep as 4 feet, makes it one of the most drought-resistant of cool-season grasses
- Adaptable to most soils, tolerates salt, can handle a lot of wear and tear, and deep roots provide erosion control on banks
- Too coarse for a manicured lawn
- Seeding on bare ground at 4 pounds per 1,000 square feet, overseeding
- use 1/2 rate
- Germination is usually in 10 to 14 days
- Usage is known for its ability to handle drought, humidity, and low-maintenance areas
What Is Turf Ryegrass?
- Turf ryegrass is a very quick germinating turf grass, does not spread well
- Deep green glossy leaf blades, a shallow root system, and fine texture
- Exhibiting the best wear tolerance of any cool-season grass, and it's often used as a tough play lawn
- Grows on a wide range of soils, sprouts swiftly, and controls erosion
- Like full sun, but will tolerate some sun
- The fertilizer needs are moderate, 1/4 to 1/2 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet per growing month
- Ideal mowing height is 1.5 to 2 inches
- Seeding on bare ground at 5 pounds per 1,000 square feet, overseeding use 1/2 rate
- Germination is usually in 6 to 10 days
- Usage is for lawns for fast growth only